What Are the Early Warning Signs of a Stroke? by Dr. Sandeep Goel

Knowing the early warning signals of a brain stroke could mean the difference between life and death for you or a loved one.By the best neurologist in Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

What is stroke?

When the brain’s blood supply is cut off, a stroke occurs. Strokes can occur when a blood vessel is injured. The brain cells get cut off from the required oxygen supply and are unable to function properly. They will eventually die if cut off from the oxygen for a long period.

The duration of the interruption will determine its effects on the person. When the blood vessel is only stopped for a short duration, a mini-stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs. The brain cells might not sustain any long-term harm, and when the blood flow is restored, the symptoms might vanish quickly. A TIA can be an indication of a more serious stroke even if the symptoms go away on their own, so it’s important to take it seriously and get medical assistance. Your well-being is our priority, and with the best neurologist Dr. Sandeep Goel, you’re in the best hands for a neurologist in Jalandhar, Punjab, India. A significant stroke can result in very troubling symptoms, including long-term issues due to the harm done to the brain’s cells. If you can’t seek care right away, a stroke could potentially be fatal. Your chances of making a full recovery are increased the sooner you seek assistance.

Who is in danger?

Although anybody can have a stroke, some people are more susceptible than others. To be sure you are aware of the warning signals, it is crucial to know if you are at a higher risk. Some stroke risk factors can be checked for and frequently changed, even if you are unaware that you have a weak blood artery that could rupture. A blood clot or obstruction in the blood arteries supplying the brain is the most common cause of strokes. Fortunately, many of the factors that raise the risk of these blockages are within our control, allowing us to take action to lower the risk.

A stroke is more likely to occur if:

  • You have extra weight
  • You smoke
  • You consume alcohol heavily
  • Your cholesterol level is high.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • You suffer from illnesses like atrial fibrillation or diabetes.

Many of these hazards can be reduced by following a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and exercising frequently.

You should consult your doctor or schedule a health screening if you want to learn more about your stroke risk. You can learn if you have a blocked artery that could result in a stroke or a blood clot by having your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other factors tested.

How to detect early warning signs?

The acronym BE FAST may be familiar to you. It’s simple to recall both the significance of acting immediately and the most typical stroke warning signs:

  • Balance gets affected; one feels a loss of balance while walking or sitting
  • Eye sight changes, things may seem blurred
  • Facial sagging (if you ask them to smile then it will be crooked or one-sided)
  • Arm trembling or weakness (if you ask them to lift both arms, one will drop lower than the other)
  • Speech issues like slurring or trouble repeating sentences
  • This is the time to call ambulance

But there are a few additional potential signs that you should be aware of as well:

  • A sudden headache
  • sudden somnolence, instability
  • Vision changes or loss that generally happens suddenly to one or both of your eyes
  • Having trouble grasping ideas that are usually clear to you or feeling uncertain
  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body (or in one arm or leg)

Your chances of making a full recovery are significantly improved if you pay attention to these symptoms and seek assistance even if they disappear. Keep an eye out for the early warning signals. If there’s a chance that you’ve experienced a TIA, you aren’t exaggerating. Seek assistance for brain stroke treatment with our best Neurologist Dr Sandeep Goel immediately to avoid any serious repercussions later.

Contact us

Get aid immediately if you believe that you or another person may be experiencing a stroke. Contact NHS Neuro Care, a dedicated centre of excellence for the treatment of Neurological Disorders; as it has one of the offers the reliable brain stroke treatment in Jalandhar, Punjab, India. The type of stroke, the afflicted area of the brain, and the severity of your symptoms will all influence the treatment you receive. The restoration of your brain’s blood flow will be the first focus. A blood clot might be dissolvable with medication, but occasionally surgery is necessary. The sooner you receive this treatment, the better the outcomes will be.

Dr. Sandeep Goel as your best neurologist in Jalandhar, Punjab, India, ensures that you receive the highest quality of care during such critical moments. His commitment to patient well-being extends beyond the immediate crisis, as he works diligently to develop comprehensive treatment plans that address both short-term recovery and long-term neurological health.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to strokes. Dr. Sandeep Goel’s expertise as the best neurologist in Jalandhar, Punjab, India, provides a lifeline for those navigating the challenges of neurological emergencies. Act swiftly, seek help, and trust in the hands of a seasoned professional to guide you toward a healthier tomorrow. Your well-being is our priority, and with the best neurologist Dr. Sandeep Goel, you’re in the best hands for neurological care in Jalandhar, Punjab, India.