Stroke: The Silent Enemy

Stroke: The Silent Enemy

Stroke: The Silent Enemy Imagine this: one moment, you’re going about your daily routine, laughing with friends or enjoying a peaceful afternoon at home. The next moment, everything changes. Your world turns upside down, and you find yourself grappling with the...
Understanding Brain Stroke

Understanding Brain Stroke

Understanding Brain Stroke A Brain stroke occurs when there is a disruption in the blood supply to the brain, which can cause brain damage. The two main types of strokes are ischemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an...
When is a Headache a symptom of a Brain tumour?

When is a Headache a symptom of a Brain tumour?

When is a Headache a symptom of a Brain tumour? An uncomfortable headache might be terrifying. Yet occasionally, the psychological tricks your mind pulls on you while they’re happening can be more terrifying than the constant pain in your head or brain....
Epilepsy Treatment and Management in Jalandhar

Epilepsy Treatment and Management in Jalandhar

Epilepsy Treatment and Management in Jalandhar Epilepsy is a brain illness characterized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is typically described as an abrupt shift in behaviour brought on by a transient disruption in the electrical activity of the brain. When a person...
Headaches treatment and management in Jalandhar

Headaches treatment and management in Jalandhar

Headaches treatment and management in Jalandhar Headaches can be described as constant annoying pain around the head or face. It can be throbbing, continuous, severe, or dull pressure. The kind, intensity, location, and frequency of headaches can all vary...